My job is killing me! I can’t bear these pains anymore.…..
Most of my friends are working in corporate sectors and these are the things I generally get to hear from them. Their conversation mostly revolves around how sitting in front of the computer for hours together is affecting their lives, leading to back ache and stiff shoulders!
Well here’s some advice for all the working people!
Take short breaks from work .
Try to walk around and stretch
Indulge in some exercises while at work
Here are a few exercises one can do while sitting on the chair at work place .
For Stiff shoulders-
1. Rotate your shoulders 5 times in clock wise and then anticlockwise direction.
2. Shrug your shoulders up and down 10 times.
For back ache-
1. Raise both your hands up and interlock your fingers. Imagine some one is pulling you upwards. Hold for 10 counts and release. Do this at least 3 times.
2. Press your hands on your knees , bend your back and make it parallel to the floor . Hold for 10 counts and release. Repeat at least 3 times.
For strained eyes-
1. Blink your eyes continuously for some time.
2. Rub your palms and place them over your eyes.
So say Goodbye to all your aches and pains and enjoy your work at office!
Posting a video with some interesting desk exercises!
Corporate Exercises : The Way to go !